Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Annie is on another killing spree. This morning I got home from running errands. She was so excited to see me and as I reached down and was petting her, I noticed pink-ish feet sticking out of her mouth.....GROSS! I screamed and bird dropped out of Miss Dill's mouth. So I take the standard protocol for removing dead bird out of yard, complete with like 7 plastic walmart bags. get inside, let her out again and hear birds squaking like crazy in the back yard. Guess who has another prize black bird in her mouth? How is she doing this?!
So, I think she is definitely a natural hunter. I mean, we haven't ever done any "hunting" with her. So it's total instinct. What am I going to do with her? It's just disgusting. I mean, our neghborhood has tons of birds, so its not like a huge deal some of them are missing, but still. Those things carry diseases. I clorox wipe her muzzle and my hands after each bird removal. I know, I know. I have to though, I hate gross, germie, disease-carrying annoying, squaking things.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Run down of the weekend:
1. Garage sale started at 7am Saturday morning and ended about 2pm. Tulsa finest showed up! Made a couple hundred bucks, not bad for a small sale:)
Mom and Aunt Carolyn stopped by for a few to chat while they were in town running errands. So good to see Mom and family!
2. Ryan, Kat, Karl and Nate came by for a visit Saturday evening. I know Matt really enjoyed gettign to see his college buddies! It was nice to hang out on the back patio, but man, was it windy this weekend or what?
3. Saturday night=discovery of sunburns. Not so much fun. Still recovering.
4. Sunday worked on the yard & house.
5.Showed the house. Nothing still. Our fingers are crossed. People want to live in mid-town but are picky and want a newly constructed home. Hmmm....something seems out of whack on that one, dont ya think?
6. Sunday evening, grilled hotlinks and cheetos. YUM! Matt is the best griller ever!
So for this week.....nothing planned. Hopefully an easy stress-free week (ha, yeah right) or at least not as crazy as they seem lately.
I'm sure there are more updates to come. No news is good news, right?

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Doesn't it seem like the local weatherman is always dramatic over a storm. Well, they didnt say much about our part of town....down here in Midtown. Which is good. But the sirens went off 2 times. Once while Matt was gone to retrieve some scrumptous dinner from Umbertos. I called him. GET HOME NOW!! So there was just 1 trip to the basement....after the 2nd siren. Ugh. And then nothing. Fortunately. Everything looks good here.

I had a horribel coughing spell. Yuck. Dont feel great. Matt went to the store for medicine at 2am....I thought I was going to rupture my throat! My poor allergies. Drainage. Coughing. No fun!

And for more official news.....we are moving! Where? We have no idea, but somewhere in Tulsa with a little more square footage. We have an awesome realtor & the sign was officially placed in the yard yesterday and St Joseph was burried in the garden. Yes. Can you believe it? We love our midtown gingerbread cottage, but it's time for some more space. Hopefully all goes well.
Garage sale is on this weekend.....thank goodness for a sunny/warm forecast!
Hope everyone has stayed safe through the storms!

Monday, May 17, 2010


I am so glad it's Monday. I find myself looking forward to this weekend, yet again after one has just ended.
We had a jam-packed wedding weekend. Friday we started off with a little time to ourselves and enjoyed dinner at the White Lion (I dont like english food apparently).  But I did enjoy the couple of beers and chocolate cake my husband got for me!
Saturday we took Annie to Muddy Paws and then headed to Patrick & Katie's wedding. After we said hellos, goodbyes and congratulations we hit the road to Dallas, TX for my friend Jen's wedding. It turned out to be a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding and it was so great to see some sorority sisters.
We stopped on our way back Sunday at the outlet malls at Allen and actually got a few needed items. I'd reccomend anyone go there is you happen to be passing through. Best outlets I have been to.
So....hopefully THIS Saturday (weather please cooperate) I will be having my garage sale (it's been pending like a month due to rain). And other than that, hopefully we will be doing nothing. I have been fixing up and decluttering the house & I know Matt has alot on his plate at work, so some rest sounds good the nest couple of weeks before family vacation madness begins.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Ok...still not caught up totally. But for now, here is what we have been eatin' up:
1. Los Cabos last Wednesday to celebrate Cinco De Mayo
2. Marc's wedding in Guthrie over the weekend (see pic below)

3. Hung out with my family Fri-Sun
4. Mass on Sunday & brunch @ the club for Towe side Mother's Day
5. Hung out with the Dill side of the family Sunday evening for Mother's Day
6. Made day 1 of working out this morning (for this week).
7. Looking at a house later
8. Grocery store has been checked off the list, time for cleaning & laundry this afternoon.
9. Lots of healthy, fresh homemade dinners planned this week. 
10. Patrick's wedding Saturday afternoon in Tulsa, Jen's wedding Saturday night in Dallas

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Worked out this morning with Matt...felt great but getting up at 5am wasn't so much fun. Oh well, it was worth it.
We had a great weekend, I cant believe it's Tuesday. It feels like Monday again for some reason.
Saturday we went to OKC. I had dinner with Uncle Bob for his 77th birthday, along with Mom and Dad. And Matt attended Patrick's bachelor party in Bricktown. We had a great time in OKC but are still worn out from Matt's late night out with the boys!
Went to Mass with my parents, as we always do when we stay over on the weekend. Father Tang is so nice. hard to understand, but very nice and gives very meaningful sermons.
Yesterday I got some grocery shopping done....still dont have a grocery that I just LOVE! Hmmmm we'll work on this. Anyways, while I was in Owasso, I also got to have some lunch with my husband! I love getting to see my man during the workday!!
On Friday we'll head to Guthrie for the begining festivites of Marc & Serenity's wedding. What to wear!! Oh my! Mother's Day is also coming up this weekend, so dont forget!
Oh and a Happy Birthday to Matt's Grandma Dill today!