Friday, January 15, 2010


Welcome back, now give us all your money applies perfectly to our lives today.
 Uhm....2 new plates, tags and insurance of course, for 2 cars and we are set back a few (ahem, several) hundred buckaroos. WELCOME HOME! Dont you love being an "owner"?! Fun always comes with responsibility:)
And of course, today is a VERY special day. Its doggie adoption day! We are going to the SPCA at noon to pick up our bundle of will come soon. Good things come to those who wait! And I've been waiting for like 7 years for a dog, so she is sure to be the best! I kind of picked her out, so its up to Matt to decide on the final name.....right now she is Diane, and we are going to change that.
So, with ALL that big new, news....I'm off to get a few things done before our little precious one comes home.....gawd you would think its actually a baby with the way we were at target last night getting this one safe? will she like this flavor? will she respond to these colors?
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. roxy's name was LEONA and arlo's was Kukla. :) Can't wait to see PICS!!!
