Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I love dogs. Plain & simple. I absolutely love our puppy Annie. She can drive me nuts some days but other days she is the sweetest thing. She can also be pretty hilarious. There isn't a day that goes by that Matt & I aren't laughing about something she has done.
She did really well in puppy class last night & I am confident she will do well this week with loose leash training (say those 2 words 5 times real fast). I have so much faith in our little orphan Annie. She is also super smart....especially when it comes to trying to trick us into giving her treats!
I love watching Ceasar Milan on Dog Whisperer. He's so awesome. I wish he was our next door neighbor! I'm also totally addicted to Dogtown ( I even watched it on our honeymoon....hey! I let Matt watch the TU bowl game, so there!)
Pretty much I love ANYTHING dawgs. And all dawgs (ok-most dogs).

Another posting MUST: Dear Tulsa drivers, when entering a highway via a ramp that YIELD SIGN IS FOR YOU! Ugh!

What are your secret addictions, what's your favorite animal & what's the funniest thing your pet does?

1 comment:

  1. secret addiction: 16&Pregnant on MTV.
    favorite animal: pretty 'ehhh' about all animals
    funny pet thing: not sure it's 'funny' but our dogs LOVED the snow - it got them real hyped up! it was cute.
