The past month, yes it has been a month already, seems to have flown by! Where do the days go? They run together. Some days it's a toss between a shower or a nap. Breakfast & lunch come after everyone (don't forget about the puppies) is fed. Breastfeeding is no cake walk. But I wouldn't trade one second of this new life for anything! It's perfect & wonderful & great! I just love Ben with all my heart. And I know Matt does too....he hardly puts him down when he comes home from work. They are best buds! It's still amazing to look at him & see what we helped create.
We had a busy Father's Day weekend. I took Matt out to Kilkenny's (it's where we had our first date) for a dinner date. Then Sunday our families came over for hamburgers & hotdogs on the grill. It was great to celebrate with Matt and my Dad:)